IPO Exam: How to prepare for IPO Examination? The dates for Inspector Posts Exam have been scheduled by the Department of Posts for the month of October-2021. The dates identified are 30-10-2021 and 31-10-2021 as per the Calendar of Departmental Exams. According to this schedule, 6 months are left over. If you start now immediately, you will have a better chance to be successful in the IP Examination.
- First off, Standard Books you need to go for to kick start the preparation. You can order your books from mostly Swamy Publishers by clicking these Amazon links for your convenience:
- CCS Leave Rules Made Easy (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3QB9cbv
- CCS TA RULES MADE EASY (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3RzLTQL
- CCS Pay Rules Made Easy(Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3Udrlzc
- CCS Pension Rules Made Easy(Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3Qz7EyD
- CCS Conduct Rules (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3eDwxvQ
- CCS CCA Rules (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3xiy8O5
- Swamy Hand Book 2022(Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3BuQAFN
- Pension Compilation (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3xiyDHX
- FR SR Part 1 (Swamy Compilation ) https://amzn.to/3eI9eRn
- FR SR Part 2 (Swamy Compilation ) https://amzn.to/3Dyy5BV
- FR SR Part 4 (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3RIBeTW
- Financial Hand Book (FHB)-I (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3xiyWm5
- Financial Hand Book (FHB)-II (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3Bbj8CD
- General Provident Fund Rules (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3qxPvqy
- CCS COMMUTATION OF PENSION RULES (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3DhU0Nx
- General Financial Rules 2017 (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3d4yqRI
- Guide to FHB 1 https://amzn.to/3xfGVjZ
- FR SR Part 3 (Leave Rules) (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3d3OOlw
- Precis and Draft made Easy (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3SdqrB1
- Delegation of Financial Powers Rules https://amzn.to/3LdBjMU
- Children Education Assistance (CEA) (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3eF3NTp
- Leave Travel Concession (LTC) (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3U1tAFB
- Right to Information Act 2005 https://amzn.to/3L8ibj3
- The Constitution of India https://amzn.to/3xeKtTi
- Schedule of Financial Powers delegated to HoCs and HoDs in Department of Posts https://amzn.to/3d668Gx
- Swamy’s Income Tax on Salaries https://amzn.to/3Bx2UFj
- Swamy’s Compilation of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 https://amzn.to/3RTzxCD
If you want more books details or any other guidance, just email me at: careerpost2@gmail.com
In this post, I will give details as to how to prepare for IPO Examination or Inspector Posts Examination.
What is the IPO Examination Syllabus?
Where to get Previous Year Question papers of IPO?
What is the pattern for the Examination of IPO?
Watch this video to clear all your doubts about IPO Exam Preparation. WATCH RIGHT NOW:
Strategies for IPO Exam Preparation(that works)
1. Practice Noting and Drafting regularly:
Noting and Drafting carry 50 marks and often candidates do not focus much on this. But, if you practice at least one drafting or noting every two days you can get used to such writing practice. For more tips on Noting and drafting check my post on it. Click here.
In Noting and Drafting Demi-Official Letter is important. Watch this Video which clearly enables you to practically know how to draft DO letters in exams and in real life too. Watch it RIGHT NOW:
2. Prepare your own Notes:
I strongly recommend preparing your own notes as it would help you to revise the topic with ease. Align the topic either into a table or a particular sequence that will enable you to remember well in long term. Furthermore, you would like to give an example of a live scenario wherever feasible to make it long-lasting in the brain.
3. Revision is the Key:
I don`t feel exhausted even if I repeat this statement multiple times. That said, minding the gap is key.
Revision can be in the following way:
(i) Read on day one simultaneously taking key points in notes (mind you handwritten notes only not typed computer notes){ 2 hours}
(ii) Revise on the next day about notes written as key points. {20 minutes}
(iii) Revision-retrieve or recall after 1 month { 10 minutes only}
Repeat this for every topic to be well-versed by the time you get nearer to the exam and you get through the exam effortlessly.
4. Teach SomeOne:
As per the research made by Edgar Dale on Learning Pyramid, teaching happens to be the most powerful technique in the learning process.

Retention rate |
Learning activity before the test of knowledge |
90% | Teach someone else/use immediately. |
75% | Practice what one learned. |
50% | Engaged in a group discussion. |
30% | Watch a demonstration. |
20% | Watch audiovisual. |
10% | Reading. |
5% | Listening to a lecture. |
So, try to teach someone, may it be your friend or a candidate who prepares or does a combined study with you.
Why teaching is regarded as the best technique in learning?
To teach someone, you may have to become an expert on that subject first. Furthermore, teaching involves a lot of active recall of the subject learned. So, make the best use of this technique.
5. ”Train the Brain” Technique: Play Quizzes- To have Active Recalls:
Researchers revealed that active recall is one of the fine-tuned techniques to remember the topics well for the exam. Quizzes are extremely helpful in the active recall method. It is just the ”Train the Brain” Method.
Here I give you the Quizzes and reshuffle all not only questions but also the answers to Train your Brain.
This Technique works well as each time the Brain has some work to retrieve from the hippocampus.
The hippocampus, located in the brain’s temporal lobe, is where episodic memories are formed and indexed for later access.
6. Use Flash Cards:
You may use flashcards for important and difficult topics.
What you do is to write questions on one side and answer on another side.
Try to recall the answer without seeing the reverse of the card and then check what you have learned.
GATHER(Stage-1) |
FILTER(Stage-2) |
Session 1: After the first time you have revised a topic you need not go any further ‘gathering’. | Session 2: After the 2nd or 3rd time you have revised a topic, you should not need to do any more filtering. |
10% of your time | 30% of your time |
You will need:
REDUCE the amount of information you have down to the essential parts. You could do this by making:
Before you start,
RANK the topics you need to cover from most to least confident. Begin with the topics lowest on the list. READ through and become familiar with the information you need to know. IDENTIFY any gaps in your knowledge and see your teacher( co-learner maybe) help fill these gaps. |
Try writing the ‘perfect’ exam answer from your notes. Complete a Flow chart or activities to represent the information you have learned. |
Gathering IS NOT a REVISION – don’t spend ages on this stage! | Copying out information word for word is NOT filtering OR learning! |
Session 3:
Give yourself a variety of activities and change where you work from time to time. Don’t forget to revise with friends sometimes too! |
40% of your time |
Use some of the following strategies to learn the information you have filtered so that you can recall it easily: Look/say/cover/write/check
RE-PRESENT the information you have gathered and filtered (if you’ve made flashcards, can you now create a crib sheet from memory?) |
Complete individual exam questions and then self-mark.
Make corrections or fill in the blanks in a different colour. Revise the bits you missed again. |
Session 4 onwards:
As you approach your exam date, spend more and more time on the testing phase and make the tests more challenging |
20% of your time |
Low stakes testing:
Easy, quick quizzes which test small pieces of knowledge: facts, dates, keywords, vocabulary, important formulae( pension, pay fixation, leave rules, LTC, etc.) (Quizlet) You must complete low-stakes testing within 24 hours of revising to anchor learning in your memory. |
High stakes testing:Longer exam-style questions which APPLY knowledge you would have to in the exam. Noting and drafting fall under this category. These should be completed within 48-72 hours of revising a topic and then repeated to keep it “fresh” |
Silent. No support. Timed. |
What Type of Learner You are?
Genuinely answer the following questions and check the score at the end of the 20th Question. You yourself can identify what type of learner you are by adding the score you got. Once that is done, you can do more of that.
Start Now:
If I have to learn how to do something, I learn best when:
- I watch someone show me
- I hear someone tell me how.
- I try to do it myself.
When I read, I often find that:
- I visualize what I am reading in my mind’s eye.
- I read aloud or hear those words inside my head.
- I fidget and try to “feel” the
When asked to give directions:
- I see the actual places in my mind as I say them, or I prefer to draw them.
- I have no difficulty in giving them verbally.
- I have to point or move my body as I go through them.
If I am unsure about how to spell a word:
- I write it to see how it looks
- I spell it aloud to hear if it sounds
- I write it to see if it feels
When I write:
- I am concerned with how neat and well-spaced my letters and words appear.
- I often say the letters and words to myself.
- I push hard on my pen or pencil and can feel the flow of the
If I have to remember a list of items, I remember it best if:
- I write them down.
- I say them over and over to myself.
- I use my fingers to name each item.
I prefer teachers who:
- use a board or overhead projector while they
- talk with lots of
- provide hands-on
When trying to concentrate, I have a hard time when:
- there is a lot of clutter or movement in the room.
- there is a lot of noise in the room.
- I have to sit still for any length of
When solving a problem:
- I write or draw diagrams to see it.
- I talk myself through it.
- I use my entire body or move objects to help me think.
When given written instructions on how to build something:
- I read them silently and try to visualize how the parts will fit
- I read them aloud and talk to myself as I put the parts together.
- I try to put the parts together first and read directions if I have a problem.
To keep occupied while waiting:
- I look around, stare, or
- I talk or listen to
- I walk around, manipulate things with my hands, or move/bounce my feet as I sit.
If I had to verbally describe something to another person:
- I would be brief because I don’t like to talk for a long time.
- I would go into great
- I would gesture and move around while
If someone was verbally describing something to another person:
- I would try to visualize what I’m hearing.
- I would enjoy listening but would want to interrupt my thoughts.
- I would become bored if the description is too long or
14. When trying to remember people:
- I remember faces but forget names.
- I remember names but forget faces.
- I remember the situation where I met the person rather than the person’s name or face.
Scoring instructions:
Add up the number of responses for each letter and enter the totals below. The area with the highest number of responses is your go-to mode of learning. If your numbers are all close, you can function well in all areas.
Number of 1’s = My Visual Learner Side
Number of 2’s = My Auditory Learner Side
Number of 3’s = My Kinesthetic Learner Side
Fill this up now:
My go-to Learning Style: | |
My secondary Learning Style: | |
I learn really well when: |
I’m going to start strengthening: |
Now, you know what to do. Go ahead.
Do drop a COMMENT in the comments section RIGHT NOW below and tell what type of learner you are and your scorecard for three types of learning.
I can further ADVISE what fits you the most based on your scorecard in the comments section.
What Is The IPO Exam Syllabus?
You can check out the detailed Syllabus of Inspector Posts Examination with links to the reading material required and books here.
What Is The IPO Exam Pattern?
The pattern for IPO Examination is as follows:
a) The examination shall consist of 4 papers viz. Paper I, II, III & IV and each paper shall carry 300 marks.
b) No. of questions:(i) 150 questions of MCQ type in Paper, I, II & III
(ii) 125 questions of MCQ type in Paper IV and Noting & Drafting for 50 marks.
c) Duration of Examination shall be 3 hours for each paper.
d) Qualifying Marks in each paper shall be 40% subject to an overall average of 45% for General
Category and 33% marks in each paper subject to an overall average of 38% for SC/ST.
e) In all cases circulars, orders, and guidelines issued up to 31st December
of the year preceding the year of the examination will be part of the syllabus
except for the Annual Report and Book of information for which the latest report and information available/published on the DoP website will be taken.
f) The examination shall be without the aid of books.
Where to get Previous Year Question papers for the Inspector Posts Exam?
The Previous Exam Question Papers are provided in the given below links:
3. IPO Question Paper II- 2014
4. Inspector Posts Exam Question Paper II- 2013
5. Inspector of Post Offices Exam Question Paper II-2012
Inspector Posts Exam: Important MCQs Quick Links
Read More:
101 Coronavirus MCQs: Most Expected Covid-19 GK(Important Questions)
PS Group B Exam 2020 Question Paper-I and Paper-II (29-11-2020) with key
MNOP: Mail Network Optimization Project: MCQs/Quiz IPO /PS Group B Examination.
PNOP: Parcel Network Optimization Project. (MCQs/Quiz for IPO & Gr B)
Miscellaneous Rules MCQs for IPO & Gr B Exam
Office Procedure MCQs with Quiz for IPO & PS Gr B
Leave Rules (MCQs) for IPO & PSS Group B Exam 2021
LTC Rules: 101 MCQS for IPO & PSS Gr B Exam (Latest 2021)
Medical Attendance Rules: MCQs (for IPO & Gr B Exam-2020)
CEA -Hostel subsidy MCQs for IPO /Gr B (Latest 2021 rules)
General Finance Rules (GFR) & Advances: MCQs IPO & Gr B Exam
PSS Group B Syllabus 2021 with study material & resources
IPO Syllabus and Books & Reading material: 2021(Latest)
HO Inspection Questionnaire MCQs with Quiz(IPO & Gr B)
PS Group B Exam 2020 Question Paper-I and Paper-II (29-11-2020) with key
IPO – Question Paper 2019: IPO -2019 Question Paper
Revised Syllabus PSS GroupB Examination(Latest 30-12-2019)
Mock Test PSS Group B: Paper I and Paper II for benefit of Aspirants
FR SR Part-I MCQs Quiz for IPO & PS Group B Exam
GSPR 2018 MCQs & Quiz for IPO & PS Gr B Exam
APAR MCQs: APAR Quiz for IPO & PSS Gr B Exam
CCS Conduct Rules 1964: Notes for IPO & PS Gr B Exam
IT Modernization Project MCQs: PA/MTS/GDS/IPO and PS Gr B
Core System Integrator(CSI)User Manual: MCQs for IPO & Group B
PO Guide Part 1: MCQs for PA, Postman, IPO, PS Gr B Examinations
Post office acronyms & abbreviations
CCS Conduct Rules 1964: Notes for IPO & PS Gr B Exam
Annual Administrative Report 2019-20 MCQs for IPO & Gr B Exam
GDS to Postman Syllabus with links & MTS to Postman Exam Syllabus (Latest)
MOCK TEST: GDS To Postman Exam 2021(Paper 1 and Paper 2)
GDS to Postman Exam Question Paper 2021(AP Circle Paper)
GK: General Awareness/Knowledge: MCQs for GDS to Postman, GDS to MTS
GDS To MTS Exam Key Held on 11-10-2020 in AP Circle
Volume V MCQs with Quiz for GDS/MTS to Postman Exam
Stamps: 52 MCQs with Quiz for GDS to Postman Exam, MTS, PA Exam (Latest)
Volume VII: 45 MCQs with Quiz for GDS/MTS to Postman Exam 2020
Volume VI Part III MCQs & Quiz for GDS/MTS to Postman, GDS/MTS/ Postman to PA
Study Material for Postman Exam pdf: 2021 Update
Arafat! By far, You are a Visual Learner.
1. Visual Learners: The visual learner likes drawing, doodling, making posters, and using colors to think rather than using words.
Visual learners learn best by using images, pictures, videos, colors, computers, and any other visual media to help them learn. They will frequently say “show me” when they want to learn something new. Use Flashcards; Make Lists; Drawing.
YouTube videos can be of the best help for them if they use them purposefully.
Hope this helps.
Nice guidance sir
Thank You Chaitanya Ji!
All ur suggestions, guidance,materials,mcq ,tips all are
very useful and helpful ji,
Thank you so much..
Thank You, Naveena Vasudevan Ji! Glad you find them useful.
Thank you
Welcome Karthikeyan!
Sir how many attempts does a PA get to clear the IP exam
Officials shall be allowed a maximum of 4 chances, irrespective of grade to appear in LDCE.
Officials belonging to SC or ST shall be allowed a maximum of 6 chances.
Good job keep it up
Thank you sheikharif Ji