IPO Exam Syllabus and Books & Reading material: 2022 (Latest vide Directorate letter No: 7-14/2011-SPN-II dt 06-04-2021) will help you to understand the basic reading material you need to collect for the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDCE) of Inspector Posts (IP) before you jump into preparation mode today in this Postalblog.

When you start preparing for an IPO Exam 2022, you have to make your mind go for it at least 1 year before, if you want to work with ease along with Syllabus for IP Exam after the IPO Exam also.
First off, Standard Books you need to go for to kick start the preparation. You can order your books from mostly Swamy Publishers by clicking these Amazon links for your convenience:
- CCS Leave Rules Made Easy (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3QB9cbv
- CCS TA RULES MADE EASY (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3RzLTQL
- CCS Pay Rules Made Easy(Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3Udrlzc
- CCS Pension Rules Made Easy(Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3Qz7EyD
- CCS Conduct Rules (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3eDwxvQ
- CCS CCA Rules (Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3xiy8O5
- Swamy Hand Book 2023(Swamy Publishers): https://amzn.to/3DcAOiy
- Pension Compilation (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3xiyDHX
- FR SR Part 1 (Swamy Compilation ) https://amzn.to/3eI9eRn
- FR SR Part 2 (Swamy Compilation ) https://amzn.to/3Dyy5BV
- FR SR Part 4 (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3RIBeTW
- Financial Hand Book (FHB)-I (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3xiyWm5
- Financial Hand Book (FHB)-II (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3Bbj8CD
- General Provident Fund Rules (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3qxPvqy
- CCS COMMUTATION OF PENSION RULES (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3DhU0Nx
- General Financial Rules 2017 (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3d4yqRI
- Guide to FHB 1 https://amzn.to/3xfGVjZ
- FR SR Part 3 (Leave Rules) (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3d3OOlw
- Precis and Draft made Easy (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3SdqrB1
- Delegation of Financial Powers Rules https://amzn.to/3LdBjMU
- Children Education Assistance (CEA) (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3eF3NTp
- Leave Travel Concession (LTC) (Swamy Publishers) https://amzn.to/3U1tAFB
- Right to Information Act 2005 https://amzn.to/3L8ibj3
- The Constitution of India https://amzn.to/3xeKtTi
- Schedule of Financial Powers delegated to HoCs and HoDs in the Department of Posts https://amzn.to/3d668Gx
- Swamy’s Income Tax on Salaries https://amzn.to/3Bx2UFj
- Swamy’s Compilation of CCS (Revised Pay) Rules 2016 https://amzn.to/3RTzxCD
If you want more books details or any other guidance, just email me at: careerpost2@gmail.com
IPO Exam 2022 should be your goal and you should be ready with IPO Syllabus 2022 & to be more precise IPO Exam Syllabus and Books.
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books & Reading material:2021 (Latest) with IPO Syllabus 2022 make you kickstart the prep for the IPO exam. All the best for PA to IPO Exam 2022 from this Postal Exam Blog.
Read more: 101 Coronavirus MCQs: Most Expected Covid-19 GK(Important Questions)
Waiting for IPO Exam Notification-2022?
Watch this video on IPO Exam Preparation and strategies to be followed without fail. All your doubts will be cleared. WATCH RIGHT NOW:
The Syllabus for IP Exam is what you check for.
Many Aspirants are waiting for IPO Exam Notification 2022.
The moment the IP Exam 2022 date is announced the following will be questions that arise in your mind:
(i)How to collect IPO exam study material?
(ii) What are the Inspector of Posts Exam Books that I need to buy?
(iii) Where can I get authentic Inspector of Posts Exam Study material,
(iv) How to prepare my own IPO exam material,
(v) What are the IPO books that are of the utmost importance?
(vi) Where can I find the Inspector of Post Exam Syllabus with resources linked to it for convenience?
You will find answers to many questions in this post.
IPO Syllabus/IPO Exam Syllabus
Once the IPO Exam 2021 is over, you should not stop preparing as this may hurt you, in case, unfortunately, if you didn’t clear the IPO Exam, you will be left with no time when the IPO Exam 2022 is announced.
Such preparedness with Postal IPO Exam Syllabus will help you to have an edge over others when you compete: IP Exam Syllabus.
Many Prepare for IPO Exam by going through the Volumes at least twice. But, ONLY a few clear the exam.
One who revises 4-5 times the subject will get it.
Revision is Key. So, to make your revision effortless, ”Quiz” is the best option as it poses questions to the brain to think unlike a plain reading with answers.
So, I recommend playing Quizzes until you reach 100% at least thrice.
That may sound odd. But, it’s true.
Sometimes you need to watch videos to understand better reading multiple times like this one:
Check this Quote by Brulee to understand better.
As Bruclee once said he is afraid of the one guy who learnt a single kick 1000 times than one who learnt 1000 types of kicks once.
So, your goal never ends with the completion of the IPO Exam 2022, it ends once you are in the final selected list of IPO Exam 2021.
IPO Syllabus 2022 with links to various materials will help you to figure out how to go further.
If you prepare for the exam like any other exam, you may figure in the final list, but, struggle while you work because the subject is learned just for the sake of the exam.
In fact, for any exam preparation, you have to understand the syllabus meticulously.
Similarly, it is the case for IPO Exam as well. Therefore, IPO Syllabus 2021 and the previous year’s question papers will give you a good idea of where to stress upon and where to take leverage.
So, I suggest giving it some good time (12 months) for preparation. Though you may be smart in achieving the goal of being successful in the IPO exam in less than 3 months also if you have a good IQ.
But, you may not be comfortable in a real working environment with less exposure to the subject.
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books & Reading material: 2022(Latest)
Indeed, I have given the links to the basic resources of reading material for preparing the IPO exam for convenience- sake.
Of course, most of the reading material is free that is available on various internet sources including the India Post website.
Of course, for some books, you may have to purchase online or offline as per your wish.
Some online links to amazon are provided wherever resources according to me are not available or not suitable or sufficient to cover the syllabus in particular.
You may have to click the links and download the resources(books) and go through them for the exam. One may like to print it and the other may wish to view it online only.
Either way, I hope this article serves the purpose and helps you in IPO Exam 2021.
You may wish to prefer free resources also, it’s up to you. Indeed, Swamy’s publication books for IPO Exams are considered the standard books from age-old times.
IP Exam Syllabus and Books- Paper I
IPO Books that you should go through are given in the links below for your convenience. Some IPO Books from Swamy Publishers are given at the end of this article.
IP Exam Syllabus is as follows:
Additional Reading:
Revised National Small Savings schemes Rules, 2019
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books- Paper II
IP Exam Syllabus and Books- Paper III
IP Exam Syllabus for Paper III is as follows:
IPO Exam 2021-Paper III |
1)Postal Manual Volume II
a) Chapter III – Appeals and Petitions |
b) Chapter IV – Personal matters |
c) Chapter V – Security Deposits |
d) Chapter VII – Forged Counterfeit stamps, defaced postage stamps, coins, and currency notes |
Postal Volume III(free resource)
3)Postal Manual Volume VIII
4) CCS (CONDUCT) RULES 1964 or
CCS Conduct Rules 1964(free resource) |
5) CCS (CCA) RULES, 1965:
CCS CCA Rules 1965(free resource)
6) CCS TEMPORARY SERVICE RULES: CCS Temporary Service Rules 1965(free resource) |
GDS (Conduct and Engagement) Rules, 2011: GDS Conduct and Engagement Rules 2020(free resource)
8)Brochure on Casual Labourers and instructions on Casual laborer issued
Constitution of India(free resource) 10) Code of Civil Procedure, 1908 a) Section-1-Short Title, extent, and commencement b) Section-2- Definitions |
11) CODE OF CRIMINAL PROCEDURE, 1908:Code of Criminal Procedure 1973(free resource) a) Section-1-Short Title, extent, and commencement b) Section-2- Definitions |
c) Section 82-Cr PC: Proclamation for person absconding,
d) Section-83: Attachment of property of a person absconding |
e)Section-84: Claims and objections to attachments,
f) Section-85: Release, sale & restoration of attached property |
12) Indian Evidence Act, 1872:
a) Section-1: Short title, extent & commencement b) Section-5: Evidence may be given of facts in issue and relevant facts |
c) Section-6: The relevancy of facts forming part of the same transaction, |
d) Section-7: Facts which are the occasion, |
e) Section-8: motive, preparation, and previous or subsequent conduct. |
f) Chapter-III:(Section 56 to 58): Facts that need not be proved. |
g)Chapter-IV: (section 59 to 60): Of oral evidence. |
h) Chapter-V: (Section 61 to 73 A): Of documentary evidence |
13) Indian Penal Code:
a) Chapter-II: General Explanation: |
b) Chapter-III: Of Punishments |
c) Chapter-IX: Of offences by or relating to Public servants |
d) Chapter-X: Of Contempts of the Lawful Authority of Public servants |
e) Chapter-XIX: Of the Criminal Breach of Contract of Service |
14) Instructions issued by Directorate and DoP&T on the maintenance of APAR (CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS) :
Instructions issued by Directorate and DoP&T on the maintenance of APAR(free resource) |
15) Central Administrative Tribunal Act, 1985 (CENTRAL ADMINISTRATIVE TRIBUNAL):
or Central Administrative Tribunal Act(free resource) |
16) Revenue Recovery Act, 1890
17) Sexual Harassment of Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
18) Prevention of Corruption Act, 1988 & Prevention of Corruption Act 1988 read with its (Amendment) 2018(free resource) |
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books in Paper IV |
IPO Exam 2021–Paper IV |
1) 25 Questions on the English language (MCQs) |
2) 50 questions on Current Affairs (Minimum 10 questions each from the field of:
(i) Indian Economy and(ii) Polity, (iii) Sports, (iv) Culture & (v) Science (MCQs) |
3) 50 questions on Reasoning, Interpersonal skills, Mental Aptitude, Intelligence, and Ethics (MCQs) |
4) Noting (approx. 200 words) and Drafting (approx. 200 words) on a given topic [25 marks each] |
After the Inspector of Posts Syllabus, let’s check out the pattern of the IPO Exam 2021.
IP exam syllabus, Postal IPO Exam syllabus, Post office Exam Syllabus; Inspector of Post Syllabus; The pattern of IPO Exam 2021: |
a) The examination shall consist of 4 papers viz. Paper I, II, III & IV
and each paper shall carry 300 marks, |
b) No. of questions: |
(i) 150 questions of MCQ type in Paper, I, II & III |
(ii) 125 questions of MCQ type in Paper IV and Noting & Drafting for 50 marks |
c) Duration of Examination shall be 3 hours for each paper. |
d) Qualifying Marks in each paper shall be 40% subject to an overall average of 45% for General Category and 33% marks in each paper subject to an overall average of 38% for SC/ST. |
e) In all cases circulars, orders, and guidelines issued up to 31st December of the year preceding the year of the examination will be part of the syllabus except for the Annual Report and Book of information for which the latest report and information available/published on the DoP website will be taken. |
f) The examination shall be without the aid of books. |
For the LDCE IPO Exam syllabus download click the link provided below:
IPO Exam Syllabus 2021 pdf download(Ever Latest 06-04-2021)
If you wish for the IPO Exam Syllabus 2021 Word document download
(Ever Latest 06-04-2021)
IPO Exam Syllabus 2021 Excel sheet download
(Ever Latest 06-04-2021)
Swamy Publication Books for IPO exam
In reality, as already mentioned, Swamy publication Books are considered standard books for the preparation for the IPO exam. To make you know the books available under these publications, a list is enclosed in the link.
One more book I suggest is Swamy Hand Book-2021. This handbook enables you to know the latest rulings in the Department (central Govt in general) apart from covering many bits on many topics that suit the IPO syllabus.
Swamy Books for IPO Exam/Swamy Publishers Books & Price List -2021:
The Swamy Publishers Books & Price List -2021
What is IPO Exam?
IPO Exam is a Limited Department Competitive Examination(LDCE) conducted among the Postal Assistants (PAs)/ Sorting Assistants and other eligible employees of the Department of Posts (who have completed 5 years of service) to promote them to the cadre of Inspector Posts.
This exam is normally conducted for promotion to the cadre of Inspector Posts the 66.66 % of the Departmental Quota. The remaining 33.33% is filled through Direct Recruitment by SSC CGL Examination.
What is the IPO Exam full form?
IPO Exam full form is Inspector Post Office Examination. Finally, the erstwhile full form of IPO being Inspector of Post offices (IPO), the designation is changed to Inspector Posts (IP) and it is an important cadre in the organization as basic reports on any aspect emanate from IPO/IP.
Any decision made by the Superintendent of Post offices (SP) or Senior Superintendent of Post offices (SSP) depends on the findings/ reports of an Inspector.
So, the key role played by Inspector Posts needs to be kept in view while preparation also as it will help you to understand, and interpret the rulings even after the examination, and even more when you get into the field on becoming successful in the exam.
Though this material on the IP syllabus is not exhaustive, it gives a basic idea of what you have to access (IPO Exam Books) for giving it try for the exam. So, these are indicative resources only for your ease while you prepare for the Inspector of Post Departmental Exam.
However, you are at liberty to choose any other resource. You may have to go beyond these resources also as the exam approaches nearer that should include the latest rulings on the subject matter.
PA to IPO Exam Eligibility
PA to IPO exam eligibility: IPO Exam Eligibility i.e., eligibility criteria for appearing in the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination for the post of Inspector Posts is governed by the Recruitment Rules of the post.
You can see it on the India Post website under the heading Right to Information at Sl. No. 5 – Recruitment Rules – Inspector Posts.
Further, Revised Recruitment Rules of Inspector Posts cadre were notified on 05.02.2019. The revised RRs shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Official Gazette. Previous year vacancies will be filled as per prevailing RRs.
Postal Departmental Exam Eligibility-Who are eligible for IP Exam(IPO Exam)?
1. Age Limit: The age limit for appearing in LDCE is not exceeding 45 years as on the crucial date of eligibility, to which the vacancies pertain.
2. Who is eligible for the IPO Exam?: Postal Assistant or Sorting Assistant(PA/SA) cadre officials in the Department of Posts with less than the age of 45 years and who have not less than 8 years of continuous service as of the date of eligibility notified are eligible for applying for appearing for Limited Departmental Competitive Examination of Inspector Posts or Inspector of Post offices(IPO). Further, the Lower Selection grade(LSG) can apply for the Inspector Posts Examination.
You can check the NOTE given in the RR.
Future Prospects of IP Cadre
By Virtue of Seniority:
You can become Asst Superintendent of Post Offices(ASP), a Gazetted Officer, by virtue of seniority.
You can also become Superintendent by virtue of seniority which may take years together to reach that stage frankly speaking.
By Appearing for further Examination:
After becoming successful in this IPO Exam, you have to put in a minimum of 5 years (now going to be changed to 2 years) to be eligible for appearing PS Group B Exam (basically SP Exam).
After Supdt. of Post offices (SP), you become Senior Supdt of Post offices (SSP) by virtue of service/seniority in the SP cadre.
This is called the Junior Time Scale(JTS) which is a Group ”A” cadre.
You will be placed on the Group ”A” Civil List where Indian Postal Services (IPOs) start their Journey in the Department by clearing UPSC Civil Services Exam.
If your age permits, you can become DPS(JAG) or even PMG (SAG)(though a rare case) from IP Cadre provided you clear the exams (IP Exam and PS Group B Exam) in time and keep yourself disciplined.
A Flow Chart of the Hierarchy in India Posts is shown for your information:
>>>Member (PSB)>>>Director General (Posts)>>>Sectretary Posts.
If you have any doubts or queries about the IPO syllabus let me know in the comments below.
All the best.
INDEX: IPO Exam Books;
IPO Exam;
The IPO Exam question bank;
IPO Exam Syllabus;
The IPO Exam syllabus and books;
Books for IPO exam;
Books for IPO exam 2021;
IPO Exam Material;
The IPO Exam Paper I;
IPO Exam Paper II;
The IPO Exam Paper III;
IPO Exam Paper IV;
Books for IPO exam;
Swamy Publication Books for IPO exam;
IPO Exam India Post.
IPO Syllabus;
IPO Exam 2021;
Postal IPO Exam Syllabus;
IPO Exam syllabus and books IPO Syllabus 2021;
Bank IPO exam: Syllabus for Inspector of Posts;
IP Exam Syllabus;
Syllabus for IP Exam
Read More:
Mock Test PSS Group B: Paper I and Paper II for benefit of Aspirants
Noting & Drafting for IPO Exam & PS Group B Exam
PS Group B Exam 2020 Question Paper-I and Paper-II (29-11-2020) with key
Office Procedure MCQs with Quiz for IPO Exam & PS Gr B
APAR MCQs: APAR Quiz for IPO Exam & PSS Gr B Exam
GSPR 2018 MCQs & Quiz for IPO Exam & PS Gr B Exam
HO Inspection Questionnaire MCQs with Quiz(IPO Exam & Gr B)
IT Modernization Project MCQs: PA/MTS/GDS/IPO Exam and PS Gr B
PO Guide Part 1: MCQs for PA, Postman, IPO, PS Gr B Exam
PO Guide Part 2 Quiz (MCQs) for IPO Exam, PS Group B Exam
PLI MCQs: Quiz for GDS/MTS to Postman/PA Exam; IPO Exam, Group B
Volume IV MCQs (100+) Quiz for IPO Exam & PS Group B Exam(2021)
PNOP(Parcel Network Optimisation Project) Quiz (Latest 2021 with 100+ Questions on PNOP) MCQs
MCQs on MNOP: Mail Network Optimization Project: IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam
Miscellaneous Rules for IPO Exam & Gr B Exam
RPLI MCQs for IPO Exam/Postman Exam/PA Exam/ Group B Exam/MTS Exam
Leave Rules for IPO Exam & Gr B Exam
LTC Rules for IPO Exam & Gr B Exam;
CEA & Hostel Subsidy MCQs for IPO Exam & Gr B Exam
PSS Group B Syllabus 2019 with study material & resources
Core System Integrator(CSI)User Manual: MCQs for IPO Exam & Group B
IPO Exam Question Paper 2019: IPO Exam 2019 Question Paper
Revised Syllabus PSS GroupB Examination(Latest 30-12-2019)
Post office acronyms & abbreviations
Study Material for Postman Exam pdf: 2021 Update
Thanks sir
Thank you.All the best?
Thank you sir
Have a great day
IPO syllabus
Good material for postal exams
Thanks, Babu! You may like the Quizzes on RMFS, PNOP, FR-SR, BO Inspection Questionnaire, Annual Administrative Reports in the same websiteRMFS(Remotely Managed Franking System): MCQs for IPO Exam & PS Gr B
Sir ipo 2020 ki eligibility 5yr service hongi ya 8 yr postal assistant ke liye
As per the new RR, it is given as 8 years. But, you have to wait until the Notification is released to have a clear idea. Meanwhile, you may continue to prepare for the exam. If you are allowed for 5 years you will have an edge over others as you have revised. In case, if it fixed as 8 years, you will have ample time to prepare well and get into the merit list in the first attempt. Moreover, you will have good knowledge of the Department meantime. Either way, you are good to go. Finally, my take is to keep reading.
Is there any reservation to PH category in IPO exams ?and group-b exams?
Somasundar Ji! No such reservation.
What is the new criteria for appearing in IPO exam 5 years or 8 years of service
As per the new RR, it is given as 8 years. But, you have to wait until the Notification is released to have a clear idea. Meanwhile, you may continue to prepare for the exam. If you are allowed for 5 years you will have an edge over others as you have revised. In case, if it fixed as 8 years, you will have ample time to prepare well and get into the merit list in the first attempt. Moreover, you will have good knowledge of the Department meantime. Either way, you are good to go. Finally, my take is to keep reading.
What is the maximum age limit for appearing in exam for general category if minimum service limit is 8 years for IPO Exam
The age limit for appearing in LDCE is not exceeding 45 years as on the crucial date of eligibility, to which the vacancies pertain to.
Please check the NOte given in the RR.
Happy New Year 2021.
Is Ipo exam is open book exam
No. Jyothi Ji! Definitely not.
IPO Exam is without the aid of books entirely in 4 papers.
Link for books of Swami publication is not open. Sir please
Thank You, Ankur! Check now, it’s updated with the 2021 Swamy Publishers Price List.
sir it’s very usefull information for ipo exam.pls reply books are available in hindi edition? I want to hindi book
Thank you Namrata Ji! I think you know very well that India post site can be accessed in Hindi as well. Major contents and volumes are available in Hindi.
I want to ipo exam books. It is a objective types book ? Pls confirm that.
Pls give contact number for purchasing the book
Excellent work sir. Big appluase
Thank You, Komal Ji!
I want purchase book please send quotation
Jitendra Ji! I don’t sell any books. This website is meant for guidance to all Departmental Exams.
Is there any negative mark for the exam?
No, Visal Ji. There is no negative marking in IPO Exam.
Links marked to Google drive in the syllabus are redirecting to my good drive account instead of actual document.Please look into the same.
No, you need to request for access certain documents for which access will be given from my side. Just click request access, you will be given access in day or 2.
Admin sir
lot of update information publishing in this blog for IP exam I am very happy
thanks sir
Thank you, Guru Prasad! Happy to know that you find it useful.
Links marked to Google drive in the syllabus are redirecting to my good drive account and not opened actual document.Please look into the same.
please check now. incase of issue please intimate the link that is troubling you
Kindly give access permission to open attached files like
g) Guidelines issued by Directorate on eMO, IMO, IMTS, MMTS, and IFS MO
Please check now
Thank you Sir Ji.. kindly give access below link
pl check now. updated.
Thank you sir ji., This link also not open
IT Modernization Project 2012 and its update
Vikas, It`s done. Please check now. please check your email now and give feedback.
Thank you so much sir ji… It is very useful to us…
Welcome, Vikas Ji.
Sir, Kindly Provide SB orders from 2018 to 2020 in PDF or Word if possible.
Thanks in advance.