CCS CCA Rules 1965 also known as THE CENTRAL CIVIL SERVICES (CLASSIFICATION, CONTROL & APPEAL) RULES, 1965 are very important in implementing the discipline in any Department of Central Govt as applicable. As one becomes an Inspector Posts(IPO) or PSS Gr B Officer, he has to be thorough with CCS CCA Rules 1965 to deal with all disciplinary cases.

What is CCS CCA full form?
The full form of CCS CCA is The Central Civil Services (Classification, Control & Appeal) Rules, 1965.
When did CCS CCA Rules 1965 came into force?
CCS CCA Rules 1965 came into force w.e.f. 01-12-1965.
Wath the following Video on CCS CCA Rules brief overview to understand clearly and Important Timelines are specified. Watch it RIGHT NOW:
What are CCS CCA Rules 1965?
CCS CCA Rules 1965 are Central Civil Services Rules that deal in detail with the procedure to be followed in Disciplinary cases against Governement servants that are framed in conformity with the provisions of Article 311 of the Constitution of India. These Rules act as important tools to enforce & maintain Discipline and efficiency among the Government Servants.
Any lapses in the procedural part in following the CCS CCA Rules 1965 while conducting an Inquiry in Disciplinary cases are often vitiated by the Hon’ble Courts of Law. So, due care has to be taken by the Inquiry Authorities and Disciplinary Authorities in strictly following these Rules while taking up Disciplinary cases.
CCS CCA Rules 1965
CCS CCA Rules Objective Type Questions
In this post, you will learn: what are the compulsory deductions, what are the optional deductions, and what are the deductions that should not be made for a suspended Govt Servant.
The number of cases Asst Govt Servant(AGS) can take up?
How many numbers of cases a retired Govt Servant can take up?
and many more.
CCS CCA Rules 1965 MCQ with Quiz
Watch this video on CCS Conduct Rules MCQs. It’s prepared comprehensively with explanations to make you easily understand the standard tough questions. Watch RIGHT NOW:
CCS CCA MCQ Online Test
Practice the Multiple Choice Questions Quiz on CCS CCA 1965 to enhance productivity while doing preparation.
The CCS CCA Rules 1965 MCQs
CCS CCA Rules 1965 deals with the following:
A suspension under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Major Penalties under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Minor Penaltiesunder CCS CCA Rules 1965
Disciplinary Authorities under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Authority to Institute Proceedings under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Procedure for imposing Major Penalties under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Inquiry under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Inquiry Officer under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Defense Assistant
Inspection of Documents
Oral Arguments/written briefs
Departmental Proceedings and Prosecution under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Action on Inquiry Report
Procedure for imposing Minor Penalties under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Communication of Orders
Common Proceedings
Special procedure in certain cases under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Provisions regarding officers lent to State Government
Provisions regarding officers borrowed from State Governement
Appeals under CCS CCA Rules 1965
Revision and Review under CCS CCA Rules 1965
CCS(CCA) Rules 1965
Now that the PSS Gr B I examination has been postponed from May-2020 to 19-07-2020 (vide Dte memo: A-34012/10/2019-DE(Pt) dated 22-04-2020, aspirants have some more time to concentrate. I would like to post some important material and render guidance for the exam which may be useful to Inspector Posts(IPO)Exam as well.
It is pertinent to mention that periodicity & Competent Authorities for various aspects are the most important in the preparation of the PSS Gr B Inspector Posts(IPO)Exam. Further, this has relevance to real-life situations when you work as a Gr B officer Inspector Posts(IPO)in the future.
Today, Let`s dive into the topic CCS(CCA) Rules 1965:
CCS CCA Rules 1965(01-12-1965) Notes:
1. An order of suspension made or deemed to have been made under sub-rule (i) or (2) of rule10 of CCS(CCA) Rules shall not be valid after a period of 90days. Hence, it should be reviewed before 90 days.
2. Extension of suspension shall not be for a period exceeding 180 days at a time.
3. As per CCS CCA Rules 1965, if the Govt.Servant(G.S.) applies orally or in writing for the supply of the statement of witnesses, the IO shall furnish the same not later than 3 days before commencement of examination of witnesses on behalf of Disciplinary Authority.
4. If PO produces new evidence, the inquiry should be adjourned for 3 clear days before the production of new evidence, exclusive of the day of adjournment and the day to which the inquiry is adjourned.
5.Govt.Servant(G.S.) shall appear in person before the IO within 10 working days is w.r.t. the date of receipt by IO and not Govt.Servant(G.S.)
6. Retired Govt.Servant(G.S.)appointed as IO should not be more than 70 years of age as of 01-07 of the year of enplanement.
7. Retired GS should submit the IO report within 6 months from the date of appointment as IO to become eligible for payment of remuneration/honorarium.
CCS CCA Rules 1965
8.CO should submit his written brief within 10 days to I.O.
9. C.O. should furnish his defense to Disc Authority on receipt of the I.O report within 15 days.
10. As per CCS CCA Rules 1965, the time limit for passing final orders on the IO Report is 3 months.
11.Appeal-45 days from the date on which a copy of the order appealed against is delivered to the appellant.
12.The time-limit for forwarding an appeal is 45 days from the date of receipt of the appeal.
13.Time limit for forwarding review petitions a/t Members[A], P&T, Board & petitions and memorials a/t president is 60 days of their receipt.
14. As per CCS CCA Rules 1965, THE APPELLATE AUTHORITY can revise within 6 months of the date of the order proposed to be revised.
15.when the Election commission recommends the competent authority to take Disc action for insubordination or dereliction of duty by Govt.Servant(G.S.), the CA should take action and report to EC within 6 months.
16. In case of continuous detention of Govt.Servant(G.S.)above 90 days, the review is not necessary for suspension.
CCS CCA Rules 1965
17.In case. G.S. continues to be under detention at the time of completion of 90 days of deemed suspension,90 days period for review will count from the date of Govt.Servant(G.S.)detained in custody is released from detention or the date of the fact of his release from detention is intimated to his appointing Authority, whichever is later.
18. Where a resignation has become effective, the appointing authority may permit the withdrawal of resignation, if the period from the date the resignation became effective and the date of resumption of duty does not exceed 90 days, otherwise, Govt sanction is necessary.
19. CCS CCA Rules 1965, in the case of suspended Government Servant (G.S.):
(i)Compulsory deductions: 1. Income Tax 2. CGEGIS; 3. CGHS; 4. House rent; Electricity and water charges. 5.Repayment of Loans and Advances to Govt.
(ii) Optional deductions: 1.PLI 2.CCS 3.GPF[R] on Advance taken
(iii) Deductions should not be made: 1.FPF 2. Court Attachments 3. The loss to Govt.
20. As per CCS(CCA) Rules-1965 when a Govt.Servant(G.S.) is suspended by an authority other than his Appointing authority, the suspension is to be ratified within 1 month from the date of orders.
21. A suspended Govt.Servant(G.S.)can be:1. defense assistant 2. Granted HBA3.CEA4.LTC for family members5.TA for attending inquiry.
22. A suspended Govt.Servant(G.S.) cannot be:1. Granted advance for purchase of conveyance 2. allowed to write/review APAR of his subordinates. (3) Transport Allowance (TPA). 4. Festival Advance 5.LTC for self.
23. If termination of proceedings instituted against Govt.Servant(G.S.) is attributable to GS, CA may allow him to represent within 60days from the date on which communication in this regard is served on him. Then CA will decide to pay/not to pay the pay and allowances on reinstatement after suspension.
CCS CCA Rules 1965 MCQs
Restricting the number of cases under GDS Rule 10 Cases & Departmental Rule 14 Disciplinary Cases:
24. The ceiling on the appearing as Defense Assistant by the Serving Government Servant & Retired Government Servant under Rule 10 of GDS (C & E) Rules:
Sl No |
Particulars | The ceiling on the appearing as Defence Assistants by the Serving Government Servants |
1. | Ceiling as Defence Assistants by the Serving G.S | 3 cases at a time under Rule-10 and Rule- 14 |
2. | Ceiling as Defence Assistants by the Retired G.S | 8 cases in a year, with not more than 4 cases at a time under Rule-10 and Rule14 |
Sl No |
Particulars | The ceiling on the number of cases |
1. | The ceiling for appointing IP/ASP as IO & PO | 10 cases in a year, with not more than 2 cases at a time under Rule 14 and Rule 10 together. |
2. | The ceiling for appointing retired Departmental Officers as IO | 8 cases in a year, with not more than 4 cases at a time under Rule 10 and Rule 14 together |
26. Procedure for empanelment of Retired Departmental Officers as the Inquiry Officers:–
27. Validity of the Panel:–
I hope you enjoyed the material on CCS CCA Rules 1965.
And now I’d like to hear from you.
Which way do you want to proceed, prepare your notes or follow any guide?
Easy review at a glance . Thank you sir
Welcome, Murali Ji. Periodicities, Competent Authorities are relevant and important in CCS(CCA) Rules. Even more, these two are important in general for PS Gr B and IPO Exams.
Good information sir
very much useful to all of us
really you are great sir
Thank you, Ravi Kishore! Glad you found it useful.
Sir Nice collections with important points in the subject. Thank You Sir
Welcome, Muthu Krishnan. Glad that you found value in it.
Very good information.. thank you for providing such useful material.
Welcome, Tiru!
A critical matter is described in a simple but attractive format … really worthy to read … A smart and wonderful presentation .
Very easy to understand and useful material. Thank you very much sharing the knowledge sir
Welcome Satish Ji!
Awesome notes and MCQs. Please accept my regards from the core of my heart.
Thank you, Achal Poddar Ji!
Very good Questions for practice once someone has completed the basics of the rules.
Exactly Narender! You have know your basics right. Then my questions will quiz you a lot.
Easy review at a glance . My very favorite worthy study room is your website … thank you so much sir…
Thank you Naveen ji! Glad you named this site as your worthy study room. ☺️
Thank you Naveena ji! Glad you named this site as your worthy study room. ☺️
I want mcqs for travelling allowance admin…..plz provide….thank you for your guidance…..
Thank You, Neeta Ji! Sure, will do.
Your web ocean of knowledge for ipo exam actually and most important questions in your bank
I like it
Thank you, Krishna Ji. Glad you find it useful.
Step by step clear explanation.?
Thanku so much sir.
Thank You, Permila Ji, Keep revising.