101 Coronavirus MCQs: Most Expected Covid-19 GK Important Questions are given in a Quiz format today. These MCQs help you in the preparation of the IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam in answering Current affairs MCQs.
Further, these Covid-19 MCQs with Static GK may be helpful for all competitive Exams including UPSC Exams as a detailed study has been made to craft these questions.
Coronavirus MCQs | Coronavirus Current Affairs 2021 | Covid 19 update | Current Affairs 2021 | Gk Quiz
This Coronavirus MCQs post includes:
- Various Apps developed by IITs/IISC on Covid-19 (Coronavirus MCQs)
- Initiatives by various states in India on the fight against Coronavirus
- Various Vaccines, medicines used in the treatment of Coronavirus up to date.
- A complete history of Coronavirus-MCQs.
- And lots more…
Let`s get started.

Most Expected MCQ on Coronavirus ( COVID-19 )
Watch the below Video on Cornonavirus Important MCQs RIGHT NOW:
Let`s play Covid-19 MCQs Quiz RIGHT NOW.
101 Coronavirus MCQs with Quiz
What is Coronavirus? (Coronavirus MCQs)
Coronaviruses are a large family of viruses that may cause illness in humans like respiratory infections ranging from the common cold to more severe diseases such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS), Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI), and Influenza-Like Infection (ILI). The most recently discovered coronavirus causes coronavirus disease COVID-19.
What is COVID-19? (Coronavirus MCQs)
COVID-19 is an infectious disease caused by the most recently discovered coronavirus. This new virus was unknown before the outbreak began in Wuhan, China, in December 2019.
The CoV which causes COVID-19 has been named SARS-CoV-2 by the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses (ICTV); this is the scientific name. The virus may also be referred to as “the COVID-19 virus” or “the virus responsible for COVID-19”. COVID-19 refers to the disease caused by the virus.
Coronavirus MCQs-Vaccines-Most Important Questions-Details
SL NO | Vaccine | Type | Shots | Efficacy | Country |
1. |
PfizerBioNTech |
(Nucleoside Modified mRNA) |
2 | 90-94% |
US-PfizerGermany-BioNTech |
2. |
Moderna |
(Nucleoside Modified mRNA) |
2 | 90-94% | US
3. |
Johnson & Johnson/Janssen |
Viral Vector
(Human Adeno Virus) |
1 | 70-85% | US
Belgium |
4. | AstraZeneca
Or Covi-shield (in India) |
Viral Vector
(Human Adeno Virus) |
2 | 70-90% |
UKSweden |
5. | Sputnik V | Viral Vector
(Human Adeno Virus) |
2 | 85%-90% |
Russia |
6. |
Sinovac/Corona Vac |
Inactivated Virus |
2 | 67%-75% | China |
7. |
Novavax |
Protein-Based | 2 | 85%-89% | US |
8. |
Covaxin |
Inactivated Virus | 2 | 70-80% | India |
Coronavirus questions have become Static current affairs 2021 and are the most important questions for all competitive exams and often searched as coronavirus for competitive exam, coronavirus for neet, coronavirus for UPSC, coronavirus for the railway, coronavirus for Delhi police.
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