CCS Conduct Rules (1964): 101+ MCQs & Notes for IPO Exam and GrB Exam is an important topic for the preparation of the IPO Exam as well as the Gr B exam. CCS Conduct Rules (1964) is essential in a real-life scenario after becoming a PSS Gr B officer or an Inspector Posts(IPO) while processing Disciplinary cases.

CCS Conduct Rules 1964 MCQ
One must thoroughly prepare for the IPO Exam especially CCS Conduct Rules MCQ because its application once you become IPO is pertinent to note.
Let`s get started with CCS Conduct Rules 1964 MCQ with Quiz
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 MCQs with Quiz
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CCS Conduct Rules MCQ(10 Basic Questions)
#1. CCS Conduct Rules come into force on
(A) 1964
(B) 1965
(C) 1956
(D) 1966
#2. CCS Conduct Rules apply to
(A) Every person appointed to the civil service
(B) Every civilian in defense service
(C) Both (A) & (B)
(D) None of these
#3. CCS conduct Rules shall not apply to
(A) A member of All India Service
(B) A holder of any post in respect of which the president has, by a general or special order
(C) A Railway servant as defined in Section 3 of the Indian Railways act 1890
(D) All the above
#4. Definitions are defined in ………… of CCS Conduct Rules
(A) Section 1
(B)Section 2
(C) Section 3
(D) Section 4
#5. Short title, commencement, and application was defined in ………….. of CCS Conduct Rules.
(A) Section 3
(B) Section 2
(C) Section 1
(D) Section 4
#6. In accordance with CCS Conduct Rules, every Government Servant shall at all times-
(A) Maintain absolute integrity
(B) Maintain devotion to duty
(C) Do nothing which is unbecoming of a government servant
(D) All the above
#7. Government means in CCS Conduct Rules
(A) State government
(B) Central government
(C) Both (a) & (b)
(D) None of these
#8.Observance of Government’s policies defined in ………… of CCS Conduct rules
(A)Section 3-A
(B)Section 3-B
(C) Section 3-C
(D) Section 3-D
#9.In sec 3-A of CCS Conduct rules explained
(A) Observance of Government’s Policies
(B) Prohibition of sexual harassment of working women
(C) Promptness and Courtesy
(D) All the above
#10. According to CCS Conduct Rules, No Government servant shall-
(A) In the performance of his official duties, act in a discourteous manner
(B) In his official dealings with the public or otherwise adopt dilatory tactics or willfully cause delays in disposal of the work assigned to him
(C) Both the (A) & (B)
(D) None of these
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Notes
Rule 3 of CCS Conduct Rules 1964:
Rule3: 1(i) Maintain absolute integrity
(ii) Maintain devotion to duty
(iii)Nothing unbecoming of Govt Servant
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Rule 3
Rule3A: Promptness & courtesy
Rule3B: Observance of Govt Policies:
- Act following Govt policies- age of marriage; preservation of the environment; wildlife
- Prevention of crime against women
Rule 3C: Prohibition of sexual harassment.
Rule4: Employment of near relatives of Govt servants in companies or firms
No Govt servant shall use his position or influence directly or indirectly to secure employment for any member of his family in any company.
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Rule5: Taking part in Politics and elections:
(i)No Govt servant shall be a member/associated with any political party; not subscribe/assist.
(ii) Prevent family member or report
(iii)No proposing/seconding the nomination
- Can exercise vote but not indicate how he proposes to vote or has voted.
- No canvassing/take part in the election. No Display on the person, vehicle, or residence of any electoral symbol.
- If he acts as a polling agent 3 months prison/fine or both. Can assist in the conduct of the election in the due performance of duty
As per CCS Conduct Rules, 1964, Permission is required for joining:
- Bharat Sewak Samaj(permitted liberally shramadan)
- Samyukta sadachaar Samithi (mere intimation enough; no permission is required)
- Indo foreign cultural organization (language classes)
- Join civil defense service
- Join St John Ambulance Brigade(SPL cl 7 days/year granted)
- Home Guards
- Territorial Army
Not permitted as per CCS Conduct Rules 1964
- Dharma Pracharak Sanstha(disc)
- Door Darshi Party(disc)
- Extremist Left parties(disc)
- Anand marg
- RSSS; Jamate Islami(DISC)
- Mora-re-ornament movement
- Participation of Indo foreign cultural organization
Permission not required for: seeking redressal in a court of law of grievances arising out of their employment/services.
Rule6: Joining of Associations by Govt servants: Not to join in any association which is prejudicial to interests of the sovereignty/integrity of India
- Unions can display on (i) Date , time, place of meeting(ii)Income/expenditure statements of union(iii)election announcement(iv) membership dues OSB reminders.
- Announcements relating to matters by unions allowed except :(1) not a criticism(2) not subversive of discipline
(3)not with offensive language(4)not attacks on individuals directly/indirectly.
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Rule7: Demonstration & strikes:
- No Govt servant shall engage himself in any demonstration/strike/Gherao/meetings.
- Strike (1) mass abstention w/o permission (2) refusal to work OT when it is necessary for the public interest (3)go slow; pen down; stay-in; token, sympathetic, bandh.
Rule8: Connection with Press or other media:
- No GS shall except with the previous sanction of the Govt own wholly/conduct/participate in editing management of any newspaper publication /media
Time limits for grant of permission(beyond which deemed permitted in absence of communication) |
Rule | Time limits for grant of permission |
30 days | 8(1) | Connection with press/radio |
13(4) | Gifts | |
18(2);18(3) | Transaction of movable & immovable properties | |
60 days | 18A | Transaction of immovable properties outside India |
90 days(3 months) | 19 | Vindication of acts of the character of GS |
Rule9: Criticism of Govt:
No Govt servant shall in radio/media- publish in his name or anonymously, pseudonymously or in the name of any other person or any communication to the press or in any public utterance, make any statement adverse criticism on Govt policy.
- GS visiting foreign countries shall not express views on Indian & foreign affairs.
- Unions passing resolutions on issues which involve violation of the rule by individual employee
Rule10: Evidence before a committee or any other authority:
- Prior sanction of Govt necessary
- GS not to criticize the policy/action of Govt
- Nothing in the rule applies to (a) evidence given at any inquiry before the authority of Govt
(b) Judicial Inquiry(c) Departmental Enquiry(d) Administrative reforms committee(e) evidence before Pay commission individually(f)GS on behalf of service Associations memorandum of evidence before pay commission
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Rule11: Communication of Official Information:
NO Govt Servant shall communicate the official document.
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Rule12: Subscriptions:
No GS shall except with the previous sanction of the Govt ask for or accept a contribution to or otherwise associate himself with raising of any funds or other collections.
- Exempted: Flag day, National Foundation for communal harmony, Union subscriptions
- Jawaharlal Nehru Memorial Fund – Not to raise funds but GS can contribute personally
CCS Conduct Rules 1964 Rule 13: Gifts:
No GS or his family shall accept any gift. The gift is free transport, lodging /boarding, or any service with a person/relative.
A casual meal or lift or other social hospitality shall not be deemed to be a gift.
- If the value of gifts exceeds GS to report government at the time of Marriage/retirements from friends and relatives with no official dealings. But has to get prior sanction to accept the gift in any other case except above
Cadre |
/funerals/religious functions report to Govt Rs |
The prior sanction is necessary for Other Cases to sub-rule 3 of rule 13 of CC’s conduct rules Rs | From foreign dignitaries |
Group A | 25,000 | 5,000 | As per foreign contribution rules 2012 as amended from time to time |
Group B | 15,000 | 5,000 | |
Group C | 7,500 | 2,000 |
- Shall report to the government
- Free inaugural flights – Not to be accepted – Membership of book clubs by a foreign organization
- Prize award by rotary club/private firms to be rejected politely.
- Foreign contributions as gifts – Within 30 days intimate to the leader of the Indian delegation
- GS will be allowed to avail the facility of free compensation tickets offered by international travel only
Rule 13 A: Dowry:
- Dowry/Streedhanam (among Christians) Not to be accepted by GS.
- Not applicable to Mahar/Dower in case of whom the Muslim Personal Law (Shariat).
Rule 14: Public demonstration in honor of GS:
- No GS except with permission receive any complimentary or valedictory address or any testimonial or any meeting or entertainment held in his honor in any other honor of any other GS.
- Should not accept invitations to open/lay foundation stones of new buildings, parks, bridges, institutions, schools, Hospitals to be named after them.
Rule 15: Private Trade or Employment:
- Not engage in any trade, undertake any employment, hold elective office or canvas, canvas in support of business/insurance agency.
- Registration/promotion of a bank or a company, private consultancy, physicians surgeons for private practice, NSS agency
- GS not to
- participate in a Sponsored media program
- Produced by a private agency
- Not to accept a fee for private work without orders
No permission required to:
- undertake honorary work of social/charitable nature or occasional work of literary artistic, scientific character.
- Participate in sports as an amateur
- CCS ( Not holding elective office or club of literary) but report to the government within one month.
- No GS to hold elective office in sports association/federation for more than 4 years or one term whichever is less.
Sanction needed for:
- Part-time lecturer
- Remuneration in CLs
- LIC or Commission agency
- Competition/Social event by a private company to promote business
Permitted by default:
- Part-time examination paper setting
- Charitable medical practitioner
- Member of BAR Association
- Homeopathic practice even though not recognition
- Games and Sports competition of private companies
Rule 15 A): No subletting and Vacation of Government accommodation
Rule 16: Investments, lendings, and borrowings:
- No Govt Servant shall speculate in any stock, share, or any other investments.
- Govt Servant NOT to lend/borrow money in official dealings
- No Lending money to any person at interest
- Does not come under the purview of the rule are
- Day to day transaction in banks or PO
Rule 17: Insolvency and Habitual indebtedness:
GS shall so manage his private affairs as to avoid habitual indebtedness or insolvency
- GS against whom any legal proceedings are instituted for the recovery of any debt due from him or for adjudging him as an insolvent shall forthwith report the full facts of legal proceedings to the government
- If GS is consistently being attached continuously for more than 2 years or attached for a sum that will require more than 2 years to repay is treated as undesirable to be retained in public service.
Rule 18: Movable, Immovable, and valuable property:
GS is to submit a return of his assets and liabilities on his first appointment. In all returns, the values of movable property worth less than RS10000 may be added and shown as a lump sum.
- Prior intimation to government: In purchase/sale/mortgage gift in his/family name – Immovables.
- Movables- Jewellery, shares/debentures/Mutual Funds (reported if total transactions in a calendar year exceed for Group A & B – Rs50000, Group C & D – 25000), insurance premium exceeding two months basic, loans, motor cars, refrigerators, TV, etc
- Report within one month from the date of transaction of movable property – if exceeds the limit of 2 months Basic Pay.
- Prescribed authorities for prior sanction:
Class |
Previous Sanctioning Authority |
Class I |
Government |
Class II | HOD (Head of the Department) |
Class III/IV | HO (Head of the office) |
- A sanction is required for building repairs exceeding 10000.
- Sanction order under GFR, CCS (Conduct) Rules is required for the sale of a car/purchased on the advance of Govt. Of India.
- Purchase of PO/Bank certificates/NSC/UTI to be reported to the government if exceeds limits of 2 months basic pay.
- Encashment of certificates need not be reported
- The current account, SB account, Fixed deposit need not be reported by GS.
- Transactions through a general power of Autonomy (GPA) attract conduct rules.
- For the sale of a car purchased with the advance of the Govt, (i) sanction under GFR and (ii) sanction under Rule18(3) CCS (Conduct) Rules is required.
- GS to report to PA if annual premia on Insurance policies exceed 2(Basic Pay) or 1/6 th of his total emoluments, whichever is less.
Rule 19: Vindication of Acts and character of GS:
- No GS without sanction has recourse to any court or to press for the vindication of any official act which has been the subject matter of adverse criticism or an attack of defamatory character.
- Private character – Rule permits but reports to Public Authority.
Rule 20: Canvassing of non-official or other outside influence:
- No GS shall bring any political/relatives including wife/Children or other outside influence to bear upon any superior authority to further his interests.
First time – Advised desisting from approaching MPs.
Second time – Written warning attached to CR dossier.
Third time – Disciplinary action
Rule 21: Restriction regarding marriage:
- No GS shall enter/marriage with a person having a spouse living. Hindu marriage Law does not permit so.
- GS having a spouse – marriage is permissible under personal law
- If it is in other nations intimation should be given
Procedure: (a) Check-up personal law – if it permits
- Grounds for marriage
- Wife joins her own-will – inquiry
- Maintenance of the first wife
- Alleged sickness of the first wife with a medical attendant
Rule 22: Consumption of intoxicating drinks and drugs:
- GS to be abiding by the law in force in any area
- In duty/public place/excess/not to appear in a public place in the intoxicating condition
- Not permitted in club/bar/restaurant
- Drinking is allowed in a lodging room
- Foreign dignitaries: Honour of foreigner’s less than 100 invitee member’s permission by the Dy. Commissioner/District Magistrate is required. Beer is allowed, wine is allowed for only foreigners
Rule 22A: Prohibition regarding the employment of children below 14 years of age
- Punishment is Rs 20,000 or imprisonment of one year or both for violation
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Read More:
Click here for Postal Manual Volume-III from the India Post website as CCS Conduct Rules(1964) are part and parcel of Postal Manual Volume-III.
In conclusion, if you have any query do raise them in the comments section below.
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Ccs conduct rules 1964 material is very useful to exam going persons. MCQ s with answers are more useful to cover allthe syllabus and revision.Thanq verymuch
It is very very useful to me , I easily understand the rules with ur short notes and practiced with the MCQ and got idea about the rules , thank you so much sir
Thank you Naveena Vasudevan Ji! Actually tried to give minute details in points including GIDs on CCS Conduct Rules 1964. Glad that you find it useful.
very good sir
Thank You Mini Ji!
V.informative Sir.Thanx.
Welcome, Chnadraganguly Ji. Do check out other posts and let me know, how they mean to you.
Very useful as preparing the first time I got clarity. thank you so much sir.
Thank you, Rajendra Ji! Check out other quizzes and give the feedback
Covered fully including GIDs also. Thank u
Yes, Sarvanan Ji. Though it took a lot of time to prepare the material comprehensively, I feel worth it seeing comments like yours.
All the best. By the way, you are preparing for which exam?