FR SR Part-I MCQs Quiz for IPO Exam & PS Group B Exam will help you, specifically, prepare well for IPO Exam and PS Group B Exam well. There are many email requests to prepare MCQs on FR SR so the same is prepared and posted in the form of a Quiz today. FR SR:…
Annual Administrative Report 2021-22 MCQs for IPO Exam & Gr B Exam
Annual Administrative Report 2021-22 MCQs for IPO Exam & Gr B Exam, indeed, will also help you in preparing for IP Exam and Gr B Exam. In fact, you might have found numerous questions in the previous questions papers of the Inspector Post Exam and PS Group B Exam on this topic of the Annual…
GDS To MTS Exam Key Held on 11-10-2020 in AP Circle
GDS TO MTS Exam Key Held on 11-10-2020 in AP Circle is posted for information. If you are preparing for GDS to MTS Exam (future aspirant) or just written the Exam, you can find the GDS to MTS Question Paper and answers here for the reference. Competitive examination to eligible GDS for appointment as Multi-Tasking…
General Finance Rules (GFR) & Advances: MCQs IPO Exam & Gr B Exam
General Finance Rules (GFR) & Advances: MCQs for IPO Exam & Gr B Exam is today’s topic. Indeed, General Finance Rules (GFR) is an important topic in the Gr B Syllabus and IPO syllabus as well. Further Advances to Govt servants like Personal Computer advance/TA advances is another important topic as many advances have been…