Gramin Dak Sevak Salary 2021: Check GDS Job Profile, Work(BPM, ABPM & Dak Sevaks) is the present interesting topic for many as there are notifications issued by India Post for the recruitment of GDS in 2021. Tamilnadu, Orissa circles & other circles have released notifications in 2021. With the release of notifications, many people are…
101 Coronavirus MCQs: Most Expected Covid-19 GK(Important Questions)
101 Coronavirus MCQs: Most Expected Covid-19 GK Important Questions are given in a Quiz format today. These MCQs help you in the preparation of the IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam in answering Current affairs MCQs. Further, these Covid-19 MCQs with Static GK may be helpful for all competitive Exams including UPSC Exams as a detailed…
IPO Exam: How to prepare for IPO Exam?( Strategies that work & Links)
IPO Exam: How to prepare for IPO Examination? The dates for Inspector Posts Exam have been scheduled by the Department of Posts for the month of October-2021. The dates identified are 30-10-2021 and 31-10-2021 as per the Calendar of Departmental Exams. According to this schedule, 6 months are left over. If you start now immediately,…
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books & Reading material(06-04-21)New 2022
IPO Exam Syllabus and Books & Reading material: 2022 (Latest vide Directorate letter No: 7-14/2011-SPN-II dt 06-04-2021) will help you to understand the basic reading material you need to collect for the Limited Departmental Competitive Examination(LDCE) of Inspector Posts (IP) before you jump into preparation mode today in this Postalblog. When you start preparing for…