Volume IV MCQs with Quiz for IPO Exam & PS Group B Exam will help to understand the important questions and answers that may be asked in the Postal Manual Volume IV. 100+ MCQs on Volume IV with Quiz for IPO Exam & PS Group B Exam(2021). This is a comprehensive post on Volume IV…
Category: IPO EXAM & GR B EXAM
MNOP: Mail Network Optimization Project: IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam
MNOP: Mail Network Optimization Project: IPO Exam/PS Group B Exam. MNOP MCQs and Quiz will help to improve the knowledge for the IPO Exam & Gr B Exam. What is MNOP full form in Post Office? MNOP full form in Post Office is Mail Network Optimization Project. Now you know what is MNOP full form…
RPLI MCQs for IPO Exam/Postman Exam/PA Exam/ Group B Exam/MTS Exam
RPLI MCQs for IPO Exam/Postman Exam/PA Exam/ Group B Exam/MTS Exam will help you understand the examination point of view in posing questions and also answering them. What is RPLI? Rural Postal Life Insurance (RPLI) is life insurance offered to the rural populace of India with a ”Low premium and High bonus” and extends insurance…
PLI MCQs: Quiz for GDS/MTS to Postman/PA Exam; IPO Exam, Group B
PLI MCQs: Quiz for GDS/MTS to Postman/PA Exam; IPO Exam, Group B will help you to understand the concepts clearly and get a fair idea of how the questions in the exam can be. Watch these 2 Videos on the MOST IMPORTANT PLI MCQs RIGHT NOW( I promise you will not get such Quality MCQs…